Hi everyone, Its been a while since my last posting and I have made some time to do a post of what my garden is looking now in summer. I have also been taking care of my neighbors 4 dogs while they are working and doing a lot of traveling for their company. I get up early and go over and feed their dogs in the morning then I go 2 to 3 times a day to let them out while they are at the office or away. I love spending time with the dogs and helping out my neighbor! I have also been working in the yard and I just put up a new bird house and hoping we get permanent residence soon!

I have been working in the garden when I can to make sure everything gets watered before I go out. I have so many hanging baskets and potted flowers. I have planted new flowers from seed and I have planted new chili pepper plants too. I am now working on the front yard too adding some new potted flowers and some on my fence to add color to the front. I also bought some more Gardenia's to add to the front, they are my Moms favorite and they seem to still want to bloom even though it is hot now. The last giant sunflower is in full bloom and I am hoping to get some sunflower seeds out of this one. I will try to post more of my yard as I plant new flowers.
I love my flowers but that also bring bees because they love flowers too. We had a scare a few weeks back with my Lola because one morning on a Sunday I was out in the yard with her watering while she was running and playing, then I went to go look for her and she was by the back door to go in the house lying there and I went to call her and she did not move. So I went to get her and pick her up and she was limp I rushed her inside and I called Sal and she just looked at us! We were both in a panic and we rushed her the emergency vet and the first thing they told us was they wanted to look at her gums in her mouth and they were white! She had been stung by a bee!! She was have a severe reaction to the bee sting! We had to leave her the whole day as they treated her and she had made a full recovery. I felt so bad and I have moved any pots with flowers that the bees like to the front or I put them up high. I am so happy she is ok and I think and hope she learned her lesson. The vet told up they get at least 1 dog with a bee sting everyday. I took Lola to her regular vet the next day just so they could see what they did at the vet ER and that she was fine. I love my Lola but it was a big scare to us!

This year I have been getting a lot of visits from humming birds and I have 4 feeders that I have to fill up 2 to 3 times because of all the humming birds who are here regularly. I can not believe summer is half way over and I am enjoying the evening walks and my Lola loves her walks too. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and until next time. Thanks so much for visiting and I apologize for not posting as I much I have in the past.
Thanks again!