Wednesday, October 31, 2012

{ Happy Halloween }

Wishing you a safe and
Happy Halloween !

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

{ Trick or Treat pumpkins }

 It`s that time again, I was getting all the trick or treat pumpkins ready tonight that we get for all of Sal`s Nieces and Nephews every year. I still have to add there names and maybe a little decoration to them. I can not wait to go take them to the kids tomorrow night! I love to see them get so excited when we go see them all dressed up in their costumes! we also are going to go to the refinery in San Pedro that gives out TONS of caramel popcorn to all the cars that go. Sal said they have been doing this for years and they give out box's and box's every year. The employees all dress up and they decorate the parking lot and all you have to do is drive in your car to each station and open your windows and yell trick or treat and they toss in bags of caramel corn by the hands full!! I am not joking they just grab hands full and toss them in! Its so nice for a company to do this for all the family`s and they kids just love it. Oh and you can keep going back as many times as you like all you have to do is go back in line and drive in! I will show you some of the popcorn and I will try to take some pictures and I will make sure I yell load enough to get some popcorn! lol...

 I have not started to decorate my own pumpkin this year yet, I hope I have time tomorrow!lol...
Today we also tried to dress Lola up in her first Halloween costume but she just would not stay still long enough for me to snap a photo! I will try again tomorrow so wish me luck. She is doing so wonderful now and the other dogs seem to be coming around with her but we have a ways to go.

Have a wonderful day tomorrow and thanks again for visiting!

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Monday, October 29, 2012

{ Halloween card }

 Happy Monday and just 2 more days until Halloween! I made a really quick Halloween card using Graphic 45 after I finished the invites.I used glimmer mist and a Kraft cardboard type card.It actually came out really nice but it only took me like 15 min to create it. I was busy making invites yesterday for my great aunts husbands surprise 90th birthday party in December. I had had to come up with my own ideas because my aunt wanted a Green Bay Packers theme and they have no more NFL teams in scrapbooking . They discontinued a long time ago so I had to design and print the invites. I made one standard 5x7 invitation and I decided to make a ticket that had my uncles photo of him in it and they look like a real ticket for one of their games. My Great uncle is a huge Green Bay fan and when I took a sample for her to see the invites, she LOVED  them! So I added all the info and I am going to take them to her this week.  Sal is going to create a picture slide show with some of his favorite music of him from a little boy to now. It will be a big surprise for him and she is going to have his party in a hall and there will be lots of family and friends to help him celebrate.


It looks like a beautiful week ahead andI hope you have a wonderful week everyone, and thanks again for visiting!

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Friday, October 26, 2012

{ Sunflowers Blooming }

 I was doing a little yard work and since it is been getting hot here again in Cali I have my first sunflower bloom! Its late in the year but this crazy weather here they are blooming, so I also wanted to share a few photos of some of my hanging flower baskets that are still blooming strong! I also had Lola playing and running in the back yard playing in the sun until she started to get into things she was not suppose It is a beautiful sunny and warm day so I wanted to get some sun and play with Lola. She is doing great now and is growing fast and just so much fun! Looks like we are going to have a wonderful weekend here and I am working on invites for my great Aunts surprise B-day party for her husbands 90th birthday. I will post pics soon as I'm done with them , I hope Lola will let me have some free time this weekend but Sal will be home to help me entertain her! LOL...

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend,
and thanks again for visiting!
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

{ Organized my work space finaly }

 Yesterday I had some time to clean and organize my work space! I moved and put things back in their place. I had been wanting to do this but my new puppy has had  me busy the past 3 weeks. I was able to make more space and clear up some of the clutter that had been piling up the last few weeks. It was a cold and cloudy day and I thought it was a perfect day to clean. I now am going to try to get some projects started since the holidays are just around the corner. I hope my pup Lola will let me make some crafting time but she is a bundle of non stop energy and is always getting into EVERYTHING! lol... It looks like we might get some more rain here in Cali the next few days and this is the time of year because I love rainy days. They are my favorite days for getting crafty!

Have a wonderful Tuesday and thanks again for visiting!
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Saturday, October 20, 2012

{ Lola vet update }

 Yesterday I took Lola for her 2nd visit to our vet. She had her 2nd series of vaccination and a quick check up to see how she is doing from her last visit 2 weeks ago. She has gained 2 pounds and is growing fast! She was so scared and when she got her shot she cried! Her last visit she did not make a sound when she got her shots. I felt so bad when she cried and she wanted me to pick her up and was terrified! She finally calmed down and did not want me to put her in her carrier so I held her all the way home. She is doing great the vet said and she is so lovable more and more each day and she now knows her name when you call her! Oh and she is learning the word NO, I am enjoying every minute of her and she is just a bundle of energy! We purchased a kennel ( Play Pen) for her and it seems that the other dogs are finally showing signs that they are getting use to Lola and since she is in the living room with us all day they want to play with her. They still don't get to close but its a start and Baby now just walks passed her like nothing. are a couple pictures at the vet. My poor Lola was so scared.

 Here is a photo of my first bloom of 1 of my cymbidium orchid this year so far. Its kinda of a lime green color and my Mom loves them. Next moth is the time of year they start to bloom, I hope I have a lot of blooms this year and I am going to go buy new plants in the next few weeks  soon as I have a chance to head out to the flower market.

 Have a great weekend and thanks again for visiting!
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Monday, October 15, 2012

{ Celebrated Mom`s Birthday }

 Yesterday we were able to celebrate my Moms birthday after all. My mom is going to have surgery for a full knee replacement and this past Friday she was scheduled but she got sick with her asthma and a head cold at the same time. So the Sergent said no because she cannot be sick for the procedure. They did some test on her last week when she went to her Dr for the cold and her asthma was to much of a risk for her to have the surgery. So they postponed it until next month and she was on antibiotics and her prednisone medication. So that gave us the opportunity to take her out to a Sunday brunch at Luminarias in Monterrey park. Its an amazing brunch with mariachi and the food is to die for!! The view from the top of the hill is so beautiful and they have carne asada BBQing on the patio! Me and my brother set it up for her and my Uncle and Sal to go with us to celebrate with her. I was so happy I was able to make reservations on a short notice because they always book up! She loved it and they have so much food she did not know what to eat! lol...


Its Mexican inspired food and its all home made and they make amazing Mexican desserts and home made tortillas! She really enjoyed her self because she was feeling so much better by the end of the week. we have the mariachi come to play and sing a couple of her favorite songs that my Dad her her use to like. They also sang happy birthday to her 1 in Spanish called Las mañanitas. Its a tradition when its your birthday that someone plays it for you and my Grandma would always call us early on our birthday like 5 AM and play that song over the phone and she did it every year! I remember she had a old cassette player that she used to play us that song and my Mom was remembering that while they played it to her. She was so happy and really enjoyed the brunch and we took just a few pictures on our way out. Then she asked that she wanted to go to the cemetery to see my Dad and Grandparents for her birthday and we took them all flowers. It was really nice that we all get together because she would have been in the hospital on her birthday. My Mom is an amazing person and I am such a lucky son to have her as my Mother!

I find myself wondering...
Did I give you your due..
For all that you've done for me
Did I ever thank you?
For all of my childhood memories
For helping me deal with life's stresses
For helping me accept my defeats
And celebrate my successes?
Or for teaching me the value of hard work,
Good judgement, courage, and being true
The laughter, smiles, and quiet times we've shared
Did I ever thank you?
If I have forgotten, I'm thanking you now
You taught me right from wrong....
I hope you know how much you're loved and appreciated
I hope you, instinctively, knew all along.
Happy Birthday Mom

Enjoy the rest of your week and thanks again for visiting!
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Sunday, October 14, 2012

{ 1 Project finished }

  I had a free moment to post what I finished one of the Halloween projects I had started last week. I did it in between running around with my Mom and her Dr apt and taking care of my new puppy Lola and this is what I came up with. A wooden letter H wall decor I covered with paper. I used Graphic 45 ans some K&Co Halloween 3d stickers.I painted the edges with black soot crackle paint and i used antique mod podge I had purchased a wooden letter H at my local craft store and I wanted to make something with it but I did not know what. I am going to see what I come up with next but it is going to be busy here the rest of the month. I will share photos soon as I am done.

Have a great week and thanks again for visiting!
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Friday, October 12, 2012

{ Crazy Weather Today }

 Yesterday we had rain here in Cali, but it was crazy for a few hours with pouring rain lots of thunder and lightning! It had been such a long time since we had weather like this. Out in my yard I have a rain measure that tells you how many inches fall when it rains,I went to go check to see how many inches and we had 1 1/2 inches in that short time! Early in the day I was out with my Mom and we just got home in time before it all started. My dogs hate the thunder but I noticed that my puppy Lola was not scared at all. I was out it the back yard with her and she was fine. I tried to take a few pictures to share with you sorry they are not the best but I was holding Lola in my arms when I took them. I just love the rain and its perfect crafting weather to stay indoors!

Happy Friday and thanks again for visiting!
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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

{ WIP Wednesday }

 This is what is on my today, I am trying to get some crafting time in in between training Lola. I am in the Halloween spirit so I am making a couple of projects. I am going to use what I have in my Halloween stash and I have a huge I'm not sure what i am going to make, soon as I am done I will share photos when I am done.

  I hope Lola will let me have some crafting time because she is getting into everything! I love how she can play all day long. She is finally getting into a routine and little by little she will have to get along with the other dogs. Today I ordered a kennel for her its like a big play pen for her so she can be in the yard and the same room as the other dogs until they get use to her. I just love spending time playing with her and watching her explore her new home. I will keep you up to date on how Lola is coming along. Looks like we might get our first chance of rain tomorrow, I cant hardly wait!

Have a wonderful Thursday and thanks again for visiting!
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Monday, October 8, 2012

{ She has me on my toes }

 Hi everyone, I just wanted to write a quick post while I had the chance. Our new puppy Lola has been a HAND FULL this past week! She has me running and chasing her all over the place and when she is outside in the yard , she gets into EVERYTHING!! lol.. Just like having a toddler in the house! She is absolutely adorable and is non stop unless she is sleeping or eating. We still are trying to get the other dogs use to her but its going to take a long time, but Baby our oldest seems to showing signs of getting use to her. Baby has been in the same room with Lola and the other dogs leave the room. When we take just the Lola and Baby alone in the yard Baby is now just sitting back and watching her from a distance and lets her run around her, but if Lola get to close she lets her know to stand back by trying to snip at her. Baby doesn't but her, at first Baby wanted to just attack her but now she is kind of watching and seeing what she is all about. I am busy with her 24/7 with her but Sal is a big help too. I'm working on potty training her and getting her on a regular eating and sleeping schedule because if I don't all she wants to do is play day and night! But that's how puppies are and in time I know she will have the run of the house. lol... She has toys everywhere especially in my craft room so I can get her use to me being in there so I can keep an eye on her. I have had to move a few things around and pick up anything that she can get her teeth in. Let me tell you she loves ribbon and paper lol... Today has been a week and she is doing amazing and I hope the other dogs will get use to her in time.

I am having a hard time trying to take some good pictures of her cause she wont stay still! lol Sorry if they are not to clear but here are few of my little Lola and next week she goes back to our vet for her 2nd set of shots. I will keep you up to date on her she is coming along.

I want to try to get some holiday crafting in but its really hard with a new pup running and getting into everything! So wish me luck!

Lola 9 weeks
Have a great week and thanks again for visiting!
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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

{ B-Day Invites }

 What a day I finally finished the invites and when they came by to pick them up, they loved them! I'm so glad because I had to put a rush on them because they had to some changes and needed them sooner. I think they came out really nice since I grabbed almost everything from my local craft store. It was on a short notice but I did it!Its a surprise 16th party and the theme was" Paris" They were simple and they wanted the cards to be Kraft paper and pink,white and poka dot. It all went together I did have to do a little running around until I found the perfect stamp that they were looking for. My work space was a mess the last few days and to top it all off I had really bad sinus allergies and I had to go see my Doctor this morning. The good thing is I feel much better  already but my sinuses were really at their worst the last 2 days!

Here is what I came up with for the invites,

Have a great Thursday and thanks again for visiting!
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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

{ New Puppy }

 I have some exciting news to share with you. We have a new family member yesterday! Here name is "Lola"!!! I was so excited when Sal came home from work with her. She was a stray along with her Mom and a sibling which Sal tried to go up to them and they ran, except Lola. She just went up to Sal and started to follow him! Sal went to go see where they other dogs went and it was inside of a huge mobile home park and there was a lady there and Sal asked if she knew who they belong to. She said no one and she had called the owner of the Mobil park and he has done nothing. So Sal felt bad for Lola and he brought her home to us! It was a wonderful surprise and she is in great health and she had her first visit to our vet. She is about 8 weeks old and is still a pup, she has beautiful light eyes and is going to be a short legged dog got some terrier mix in her with a little cockerspaniel they think. She is so darn cute and our other dogs are not to happy right now but in time they should all get along! Its like have a baby in the house who will need a lot of care and patients LOL I just wanted to share a picture with our new baby and she makes 6 yup its true and we are going to spoil her like all the others!

I also finished my invite today!! Woo whoo, yuppie, hurray! I will share a photo with you soon as I take one before they come pick them up.
 Have a great rest of the week and thanks again for visiting!
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