Wednesday, November 28, 2012

{ Sun Flowers }

 Here is a quick update on my Mom since her surgery. She is doing well and her physical therapy is the hardest! She has been going 2 times a week and the rest she does here at home. It is really painful because her knee is very stiff but she has been improving and we are not sure how long she will be going for her therapy. She is a strong lady but the pain is really what is getting to her. I am doing the exercises with her at home and my brother is doing more with her also. Here is a photo I took the other day of her and my Granmas best friend Maria who came to spend the day with her. They were sitting in the smaller patio looking at all the sunflowers and floers that ere in the yard. My Mom had a nice visit with her and it made her happy because even though my Grandma is no longer with us, Maria is still very close to us and is still a big part of our family! I took a few photos of what is left of my sunflowers in boom to share and we have a 9 foot wall and some are taller as you can see. My Orchids have started to bloom as well.

 Lola is doing great and is now almost done with er series of shots this week!! She is getting big and weighs almost 12 lbs now and is the cutest pup ever! I will have new photos soon if she lets me take

Thanks again for visiting!

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Friday, November 23, 2012

{ ThanksGiving Wish }

Happy Thanksgiving from my Family to yours!

Enjoy your weekend!
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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

{ Quick Card and post }

 Hi everyone its been a while since my last post before my Mothers surgery. I have a free moment to give you a update on how she is doing and I did a really fast B-day card for Sal`s oldest niece Birthday on this past Tuesday! Mom is doing great and we have her first Dr.s Appointment tomorrow and its going to be a long 3 months of recovery for her. Her therapist said she is doing fine but she has to do her exercise in order for her knee to heal properly. It is very painful for her to do them but she has to do them.I am just happy she is home and is on her way to a speedy recovery! I also want to thank everyone who has sent all those wonderful e-mails and comments I really appreciate them! I will keep you updated when I can. Lola is doing great and getting biger everyday! we are still working on the other dogs to get use to her but its a slow process.She is a bundle of energy and just keeps going like the energizer bunny! LOL...

Here is a few photoos of the card I did the other afternoon. I did this in about 10 min!! I added a clear envelope money pouch and she just loved it!

Have a wonderful rest of the week and thanks again for visiting!
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Monday, November 5, 2012

{ Mom`s Surgery }

 I know its been a while since my last posting. We have been busy getting ready for my Moms knee replacement surgery on Tuesday! I have been helping her get thing in order so when she has her surgery she wont have to worry about things getting down around the house here, like marketing  and laundry and making sure her bills are paid and keeping the house in order. I told her she has nothing to worry about because I have Sal and my brother to help me. She will be in the hospital 2 or 3 days and then she wants to come home where I can take care of her. She will have 2 weeks of home therapy for her knee and then 6 more weeks of therapy at the hospital. she wont be able to drive for about 5 weeks or so that's where I come in. I will do all that needs to be done for her and that includes taking care of our pets and our new puppy Lola!I will keep you posted when I have a chance and I just wanted to let you know if I seem MIA for a bit.I am trying not to worry but its hard because she is my Mother and she is the world to me! I hope she has a quick recovery and i know when this is all done she will be so happy and no more constant pain for her!

 I hope evryone has a great rest of the week and thanks for visiting!
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